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Category Archives: News

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Management of Geriatric HIP Fracture

May 22, 2024News

The MSGM executive committee would like to congratulate the Malaysian Hip Fracture Clinical Practice Guidelines development group for the successful launch of the guidelines at the Malaysian Orthopaedics Association Annual Congress on 22 May 2024 in Kuantan. We would also specifically like to thank our members Dr Elizabeth Chong and Dr Khor Hui Min for their role in taking this monumental project to completion.

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APPLY NOW: 2021 Healthy Aging Prize for Asian Innovation

February 4, 2021News

The people of Asia are living longer than ever, presenting a vast array of new challenges and new opportunities that all sectors of society are just beginning to explore and address.

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MSGM’s Response to Budget 2021

November 10, 2020News

The Malaysian Society of Geriatric Medicine would like to praise the government for producing what can be considered the most elder-friendly budget to date.

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No reason to fear flu vaccines

November 6, 2020News

Experts Sound Call for Widespread Flu Vaccination After the Ministry of Health Malaysia Lifts Temporary Cessation on The Use of Two Flu Vaccines.

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The International Day of Older Persons

October 1, 2020News

The International Day of Older Persons is celebrated in the month of October. Many hospitals and agencies are celebrating the event.

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Pernyataan Akhbar Bersama Daripada Organisasi-organisasi Warga Emas Bukan Kerajaan dan Persatuan-persatuan Perubatan yang Berkenaan Mengenai Kesusahan Warga Emas pada masa Pandemik CoVID-19

March 20, 2020News

Ramai yang merasa cemas pada masa sekarang, terutamanya warga emas kami dan keluarga mereka. Untuk ramai warga emas Malaysia, keadaan terkini meyebabkan mereka mengimbas kembali ke waktu darurat May 13 1969 atau peperangan dunia kedua dan pendudukan komunis. Kami sedang berperang! Peperangan ini adalah dengan virus. Virus ini pula kurang kesannya kepada yang muda, tetapi untuk warga emas, terutama yang berumur 80 tahun ke atas serta mereka yang menghidapi penyakit jantung, kencing manis, paru-paru, darah tinggi dan kanser, ada kemungkinan mereka akan menimpa maut.

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全国长者非政府协会及有关医学协会为马来西亚长者面对2019 新冠肺炎面对的困难以创出的联合新闻稿

March 20, 2020News

在这时期大家一定为自己的家人,尤其是岁数比交多的长辈担心。有的长者一定回顾1969 年五一三的时代。也有的更老的可能还想到第二次世界大战 或共产党时代。我们正在和病毒打战。年轻人患上这一种病毒多数会没事。但乐龄大的患上病毒就可能面对生命的危险。尤其是年龄超过80岁还是有其他疾病的人会可能失命。

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Joint Press Statement by Senior Citizens’ Non-Governmental Organizations and Affiliated Medical Societies on the Plight of Older Malaysians during the CoVID-19 Pandemic

March 20, 2020News

These are anxious times, particularly for our older population and their family members. For many of our seniors, this may evoke flashbacks of May 13th 1969, and for those who are in the oldest age group this may even be a reminder of the communist occupation and the second world war. We are at war with a virus which spares the young and targets those who are older, particular those over 80 years, as well as those with other illnesses- heart disease, diabetes, lung problems, high blood pressure and cancer.

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The Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology regrets the death of Dr. Renato Maia Guimarães

February 13, 2020News

The Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (Sociedade Brasileira de Getriatria e Gerontologia – SBGG) deeply regrets the loss of the geriatrician Renato Maia Guimarães in the dawn of Feb 10th 2020.

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Our first Geriatrician in the Ministry of Health to Retire!

October 15, 2019News

He was single-minded and determined to become a geriatrician. He fought galliantly and waited patiently for the opportunity to train as a geriatrician in Malaysia.

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Geriatric Emergency Medicine

November 26, 2017News

The Malaysian Society of Geriatric Medicine signed a memorandum of understanding with the College of Emergency Medicine on 24 November 2017 to establish the specialist interest group Geriatric Emergency Medicine.

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13th National Geriatrics Conference

October 15, 2016News

Many thanks Dr Peter Selestine and the Geriatric Unit at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Sabah for helping us put with a fabulous show! Sabah was indeed something special!

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