What are the Primary Causes of Hearing Loss in Older Adults" by Dr. Nareshraja Janardanan
We are pleased to inform you that the recording of the insightful session, "What are the Primary Causes of Hearing Loss in Older Adults" by Dr. Nareshraja Janardanan, is now available for viewing.
We encourage you to watch the session at your convenience to gain valuable knowledge on this important topic.
Funding for Geriatric-Related Events
We are pleased to announce the launch of our “Funding for Geriatric-Related Events" in celebration of the International Day of Older Persons (IDOP). This fund is specifically designated to support activities and events that focus on improving the well-being, health, and quality of life for elderly populations during IDOP.
Eligible events can include health screenings, educational workshops, community outreach programs, and social initiatives aimed at enhancing the lives of older adults. To apply, kindly complete the online form. The application form seeks information about the event’s goals, target audience, expected impact, and a detailed breakdown of how the funding will be used to ensure the success of your initiative.
We encourage organisations, institutions, and individuals dedicated to supporting older persons to apply. Let’s work together to make IDOP a meaningful occasion, advancing awareness and action on geriatric issues in Malaysia.
Malaysia's Ageing Society
The rate of live births and individual deaths in Malaysia is reported to be declining, will we reach the status of an old country sooner than expected? What are the challenges and preparations that need to be done now? By Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakimah.
Management of Geriatric HIP Fracture
The Malaysian Clinical Practice Guidelines for Hip Fractures was launched on 22 May 2024 at the Malaysian Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific Meeting in Kuantan. The guidelines were supported by the Malaysian Orthopaedic Association and the Malaysian Society of Geriatric Medicine.
Download a copy of the Quick Reference for Management of Geriatric Hip Fractures here.
Healthy Aging : Why older adults should get the Pneumococcal Vaccine
Did you know that the pneumococcal vaccine is not only recommended for infants, but for older adults as well? MSGM’s President - Prof Dr Tan Maw Pin (Consultant Geriatrician) was recently interviewed by Healthy Ageing to discuss why older adults are at higher risk of pneumococcal disease, and whether in this case, vaccination saves lives.
Listen to the interview here
Podcast (26 May 2023)
Hot, hot, and hot. While we’re all struggling with the heat and humidity during this prolonged heatwave, how are people who are more vulnerable, like older adults, coping, especially if they also have existing health issues? On this episode of BFM89.9’s Healthy Ageing, consultant geriatrician Prof Dr Tan Maw Pin shares how older adults - and their family members - can watch out for the heat affecting them. Listen to this Podcast to find out more.
Guidelines For The Prevention Of Influenza In Older Persons
The MSGM recently collaborated with the Malaysian Society of Infectious Diseases and Chemotherapy (MSIDC) to jointly publish a GUIDELINES for the PREVENTION OF INFLUENZA IN OLDER PERSONS.
Click here to view the Guidelines
Where to go to for Workshops on Health Issues in Older Persons or Caring for Older Persons?
We are often asked this question. The MSGM represents geriatricians and other healthcare professionals involved in the care of older persons. We do hold conferences to share information but we do not currently hold workshops of our own. We do know that the following organizations do hold regular workshops for healthcare professionals, care workers and the general public, and regularly support them in their efforts:
ACT4Health Workshops
ACT4Health is a University of Malaya start-up set up by the Ageing and Age-Associated Disorders Research Group to conduct training on research findings that they have generated. They now conduct workshops on a range of health topics for older persons. Visit and like their facebook page to find our more.
Alzheimer's Disease Foundation Malaysia
The ADFM has been around for over 20 years, raising awareness on dementia and supporting caregivers of persons living with dementia. They run regular workshops both at the ADFM headquarters in Section 11, PJ as well as their Community Centre in Atria Damansara. Visit their website to find out more.
Malaysian Healthy Ageing Society
The MHAS aims to promote the message of healthy ageing to Malaysians. They organize roadshows throughout the country and are now based at the Lifestyle Centre at Jalan Gasing, Petaling Jaya. Find out more here.
If you hold regular workshops or seminar on health of older persons, please do let us know. We will be happy to consider hosting information on our website.