Name: Khoo Pei Jie
Supervisor: Dr Reena Nadarajah
Location: Hospital Selayang
Case Scenario
Mr OLK 75 year old Chinese gentleman
Ischemic heart disease
History of motor vehicle accident with intracranial bleed requiring craniectomy more than 10 years ago
History of admission Sept 2022 for unstable angina complicated with delirium but defaulted follow-up
Current Medication
Tab Aspirin 150 mg OD
Tab Clopidogrel 75 mg OD
Tab Atorvastatin 40 mg ON
Tab Pantoprazole 40 mg OD
He had defaulted Klinik Kesihatan follow-up due to logistic issues.
Son purchased medication from pharmacy.
Social History
He is an elderly gentleman who had been separated from his wife 6 years ago and was staying with his second son (who had issues with drug addiction) who is also the primary care taker. They were financially supported by the youngest son.
History of Presenting Illness
Brought in for recurrent falls.
Patient had 2 falls on the same day when he tried to go to kitchen multiple times to make coffee despite already drank his coffee earlier. He had difficulty to get up after the last fall. Did not sustain any injuries.
Patient was referred to Geriatric team for management of his recurrent falls.
He was ADL independent till 2020 when he developed slurred speech, followed by slowness in movement, stiffness over the bilateral lower limbs and forgetfulness.
In 2020, patient started having repetitive questionings, misplacing items and forgetting recent events such as appointments.
Cognition was progressively declining.
By 2022, he stopped driving and using phone.
By June 2023, BADL required assistance with functional urinary incontinence.
Mobility and Falls
He experienced progressive slowing of movements and rigidity over the bilateral lower limbs for the past 4 years.
While still ambulating without aid, he had recurrent falls. The frequency of falls had increased from 1-2 times per month to 2-3 times per week over the past 1 year (2023)
In 2023, most falls occurred in the bed room while trying to get up from the bed. There was no giddiness, no loss of consciousness, no seizure, no palpitation nor chest pain prior to the falls. Never sustain major injuries.
He had been housebound for the past 2 years due to the slowness in movement and frequent falls.
Mood and Behavior
Over the past 1 year, patient’s judgement continue to worsen resulting in his continuous pacing despite safety issues and recurrent falls.
No hallucination or delusion.
Physical Examination
Calm, well kempt, good eyes contact, dysarthric, answer relevantly ,hypomimia, vision and hearing intact.
BP: 137/72, P: 61, SpO2: 99 under room air, Temp: 37
BP lying:130/74, pulse:70, BP standing 0min: 110/60mmHg, P: 90, 1min standing: 90/50mmHg, P: 95, 3min standing: 98/60mmHg, P: 96/min
4AT: 0/2/0/0=2
Lungs: crepitation over the right lower zone
CVS: S1+ S2 no murmur
Neurological Examination
Gait – Difficult to initiate and very slow gait, magnetic gait, narrow base
Rigidity bilateral lower limbs more than upper limbs
Bradykinesia left more than right
No resting tremor, no dysmetria or nystagmus
Power: grade 4 bilaterally
Reflexes: normal bilaterally
Barbinski: equivocal bilaterally
Sensation intact–proprioception and pinprick
MMSE: 16/ 27 (orientation 5/10, registration 3/3 attention 2/5, recall 0/3 language: 6/8, construction 0/1)
Hb: 12.7 WBC: 8 Plt: 263
Na: 142 K: 4.3 Urea: 4.9 Creat: 69
Calcium: 2.42 Phos: 1.09 Mg: 0.83
Albumin: 41 ALT: 17 Bilirubin: 13.9
TFT: T4: 14.4, TSH: 1.6 (normal)
B12: 105 (low)
Folate 6.5 (normal)
CT Brain 12.09.2022
Evidence of left temporo-parietal craniectomy with air pockets within.
Well defined hypodensities seen at the left corona radiata and right centrum semiovale.
Encephalomalacic changes of the left frontal and left posterior parieto-occipital temporal regions with ex vacuo dilatation of the ipsilateral lateral ventricle.
No acute intracranial haemorrhage.
Prominent ventricles, sulci and basal cisterns in keeping with cerebral atrophy.
Periventricular hypodensities in keeping with deep white matter ischemia.
No midline shift.
No suspicious skull vault lesion.
The visualized paranasal sinuses and bilateral mastoid air cells are preserved. Impression 1) Multifocal chronic infarcts with encephalomalacic changes as described. 2) Background cerebral atrophy and small vessel disease.
What is the possible diagnosis ?
How would you manage this?
Consistent with mixed AD and vascular dementia with Parkinsonism. Need to ensure fluid repleted- may need fludrocort if persistent . Can try small doses of levodopa but reponse may not be great— may worsen postural hypotension. Replete B12. Bone health screening, calcium and vit D supplement. Dietitian— high protein and balanced diet, PT gait/balance/walking aid, OT home falls hazard/equipment/carer training